本文主要摘抄关于latex写计算机领域会议论文的笔记。参考资料: https://www.latexstudio.net/hulatex/index.htm 等。
- 所有的论述都用现在时时态,不管是你自己的或者是别人的,包括related work。
- 对于所有的表格或者图片,在正文中需要有地方引用或者呼应。
- 要仔细考虑Figure1, 用来可视化,模型介绍,或者总结文章的贡献。一般是放在第一页或者第二页,即使到第三页或者以后才会用到,还是要放到第二页。
- 不要简单只用method/approach/algorithm作为标题,要用具体的名字,比如completion as optimization,
1 | % put two figures on a same graph. |
- 准备一个macro.tex,然后在论文的最开始写include macros,用来定义常用的命令,或者是eos等符号。定义mathbb,mathbf,Todo的符号。
- 用图片来解释算法的含义,模型的组成。
- 用python画图的曲线图,转成pdf的分辨率至少应为400dpi。
- 每一个图片的注解应该是self-contained,也就是说的足够仔细,同时对关键词和重点应该用粗体。对于sub-caption,应该直接把每个图片的注解放到图片里面。
- Latex style参考教程
- Latex by Robert
- Latex-tutorial
- 所有括号前面要加一个空格
- 在Bib文件里面,要把需要大写的字母用花括号包起来。比如:Deep {Dirichlet} allocation, or Deep {LSTM}s, 不然bib会自动把所有的字母都小写。
- 所有的表格都应采用三线表,不用竖线,表格的所有数字是右对齐。
- 对于公式中用到的表示要一致,不同的方法表示 标量,矢量和矩阵。
- 脚注不要加在数字上。一定是放在句号或者逗号的后面。
- 标准的引号方法,`’, ``’’,使用oxford的逗号方式。
- 如果在一句话的冒号后面开始一个新的句子,句子是完整的,那么这个句子的首字母应该大写。
- 对于常用方法的名字,首字母不要大写。比如:support vector machines, logistic regression, long short-term memory networks, recurrent neural networks.
- 对于\paragraph{}开始的标题,标题的每一个单词首字母应该大写,in Title Case,标题后面不应该有任何标点。
- 用词:the start of the art, state-of-the-art performance用作形容词。BiLSTM, MNLI/MultiNLI,不能说Multi-NLI
- 减小页面占用的方法,减少caption旁边的空白,或者压缩标题处的空白。不建议用vspace压缩,不能用小字体,不要减少行间距。注意,EMNLP不允许用vspace调整。
- 用\textsc{name}来分别图片的名字和正文之间的距离。
- 表格应该先写注解\caption{}, \label{},再开始表格的正文。
- 表格中最好的结果要用颜色或者符号来标注。
- 对于特别大的表格,需要压缩:\resizebox{\textwidth}{!}{\begin{tabular}
- 对于文中所有的公式,都要加上序号,方便reviewer引用。每一个公式后面要加上句号。
- 对于单横线有三种,- 表示 non-negligible,–是en-dash,表示页码或者关系,如mass–energy equivalence, pages 17–30,第三种是—表示em-dash,表示句子的中断或者转折关系,如A flock of sparrows—some of them juveniles—flew overhead.
- 概率或者集合的公式中,用 “\mid” 而不是 “|” 表示竖线。
- mathbb:blackboard bold,黑板粗体的空心字,如$\mathbb{R}$
- mathcal:calligraphy,美术字, 如$\mathcal{L}$
- mathrm:math roman, 正体字,直体字符,如$\mathrm{\alpha}, \mathrm{b}$
- mathbf:math boldface, 如$\mathbf{\alpha}, \mathbf{b}$
- mathscr, 花体2,更夸张一些,usepackage mathrsfs(只包括大写字母),如$\mathscr{D}$,和mathcal的区别
- \usepackage{bm}, 可以用来加粗数学字符,如$\bm{\alpha}, \bm{b}$
- 其他参考:https://www.latexstudio.net/hulatex/package/maths.htm
- textbf,黑体字
- textit,斜体字
- texttt,Typewriter,打印机字体,等宽字体
- textrm,Serif (Roman),直体的罗马字符
- ltexts,Sans-Serif字体,
- textproc,用于算法的名字,package是algpseudocode
注: Serif(有衬线体)的意思是,在字的笔划开始及结束的地方有额外的装饰,而且笔划的粗细会因直横的不同而有不同。相反的,Sans Serif(无衬线体)则没有这些额外的装饰,笔划粗细大致差不多。我们平时所用的Georgia、Times New Roman等就属于Serif字体,而Arial、Tahoma、Verdana等则属于Sans Serif字体。对中文而言,同样存在这两大种类,很明显,宋体、细明体(繁体中常用)等就属于Serif,而黑体、幼圆等则属于Sans Serif。更多介绍见https://kb.cnblogs.com/page/192018/
- a 标量a
- \bm{a} 矢量
- \bm{A} 矩阵
- \mathrm{A} 张量tensor
- \mathrm{a} 随机标量
- \mathrm{\bm{a}} 随机矢量
- \mathrm{\bm{A}} 随机矩阵
- a_i 矢量$\bm{a}$的第i个元素
- a_{-i} 矢量$\bm{a}$的除了第i个元素以外的其他所有元素
- A_{i,j} 矩阵\bm{A}的第i,j个元素,
- \bm{A_{i,:}} 矩阵\bm{A}的第i行,
- \bm{A_{:,j}} 矩阵\bm{A}的第j列,
- \mathcal{N}(x;\mu,\Sigma) 正态分布
- 参考资料:https://www.deeplearningbook.org/contents/notation.html
Source from: Here
- Add your co-authors to the GitHub repo
- Check if anything in your bibliography has been officially published since you started working on the paper, and edit the bibtex entry accordingly.
- Force-capitalize relevant acronyms in your bibtex (e.g. {LSTM} instead of LSTM)
- Acknowledge your funding (and don’t forget this counts towards the page limit)
- Make sure the repo has a permissive license (e.g. MIT) so industry researchers can use it
- Share the Overleaf with your co-authors (if you have been using link sharing) so they can add errata in the future
- Clean up LaTeX before uploading to arXiv (e.g. delete commented out invectives about Reviewer 2)
- Once published on arXiv, share the article password with your co-authors so they can “claim ownership”
- Consider storing large files in a permanent repository (e.g. Zenodo) rather than in a potentially ephemeral Amazon S3 bucket
- booktabs is the only way to make a table
- Table~\ref{tab}, not “Table \ref{tab}” or “table \ref{tab}”
- s/It is interesting to note that//g, s/state-of-the-art//g,
- Proofread the the paper one last time
Note 1:
BibTeX (in many bibliography styles, including ACL’s) lowercases the titles of conference papers, and needs to be told which letters not to lowercase. So if your title has letters that should always be capitals, please protect them with curly braces, like this: {E}nglish, {C}homsky, {IBM}, {CFG}s, {HMM}s. Please also protect the first letter after a sentence-final punctuation mark. For example: Can {LSTM} {L}earn to {C}apture {A}greement? {T}he {C}ase of {B}asque Named {E}ntity {E}xtraction from {N}oisy {I}nput: {S}peech and {OCR}. These curly braces will not appear in the online conference program or proceedings. They will only appear in the BibTeX file that others will use to cite your paper.
Note 2:
Embedding Fonts. You can check your final PDF with the command pdffonts mypaper.pdf and confirm that all the fonts say “yes” under “emb”. START will not let you upload your final PDF otherwise. If you are including graphics with the PDF extension, these files must also have embedded fonts. If your paper uses Asian fonts, they must be embedded in the PDF file so that they can be displayed by non-Asian versions of the PDF reader (Asian versions ship with a larger set of default fonts.)
More reference: